kickback at Gloucester prison

Kickback @ Gloucester Prison

Kickback was held at a different venue this September and I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect, as you all know (if the title wasn’t enough of a giveaway) it was held at Gloucester Prison, and no te tickets weren’t inmate visitor passes, although that might be an idea for next year.
What I loved about the venue was that it was also an attraction on top of the bike show, it was a journey of discovery one room led to another which led to a passage then onto other rooms and cells, along withh random room placements around the site with yet more bikes.
The exercise yard was used for visitor motorcycle parking, with 2 separate courttyards hosting the main area, one of which had an old helicopter in it and the other had the food trucks,
the downside to thhe venue was that it was tight in some lkaces, BUT this added to the event and the location so wasnt really an issue i you embrace the whole 2 for one experience of the location and the bike show.
there is nothing bad i can say about either the Kickback show or the venue, just remember to book early next year if its at the same location as tickets went very quickly indeed, and a very limited number of at door entries available.
Enjoy the photos

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