What is WinSU?
SU Carburettor Needle Finder Software
WinSU Carburettor Needle Finder at is a windows program which contains information about SU carburettor needles. It allows different needles to be compared and will also suggest the best needle for your engine specification. This software will be useful to owners of cars equiped with SU carburettors (Austin, Triumph, Jaguar, MG, Rover, etc).
It contains an extensive database of needle dimensions, for both common and rare needles codes, for HS and HIF carbs of different sizes. You can graphically overlay two needle profiles to show the differences in lean/richness at various throttle openings.
For full details and further information on WinSU visit the official website
you get 10 free needle suggestions, then you need to register it, but at £5 it is a bargain (full details on registration here)
This Program was created by Scott A. Beavis and the official WinSU site is here and all copyrights belong to him